Monday, May 3, 2010

The pitter patter of little feet

Ah spring. The smell just after it rains. The beautiful flowers starting to bloom. Fresh cut grass and apple blossoms. All amazing things. NONE however and I repeat NONE come even close to what spring always brings...... the pitter-patter of little feet. Squirrel feet to be exact !

Yep, Squirrels. Fat squirrels, skinny squirrels, tall squirrels, short squirrels, hairy squirrels and one dang near naked one that insists on sitting on the deck staring at me through the sliding glass door while eating the bird seed.

Mom doesnt let me out anymore without knocking on the back door first to warn them. She also doesnt let me out the front door so that I can sneaky sneak around the house ever so quietly and then BAM! POUNCE THEM! Nope, she warns them. She takes all of the fun out of it. Its ok though cuz some of them are pretty dumb and even with her warning them they dont run off right away.....well, until they hear me coming and then they That is my favorite part. I chase them super fast and sometimes I think my feet dont even hit the ground. Tomorrow morning, at prime squirrel feeding time, I am going to have the pug watch me to see if I actually become airborne from running so fast. Flying squirrels will have nothing on a Flying Comet :) hahahahahaha.

Thats all for now. Talk to you later.

Comet out.

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