Monday, December 8, 2008

Our Little Piggy

OH MY GOSH! The pug killed a chipmunk today. Who’d have thought he had it in him. Mom wasn’t happy. Seems the pug brought in inside and mom thought it was one of his tiny stuffed animals that he was shaking and playing with (I knew better but he needed to have some fun, plus its always good for a laugh when mom screams out loud). Anyway, the pug left it on the sofa (his first mistake…well, second I guess as the first one was bringing it in the house where mom can see it), the pug left it on the sofa and mom found it when she went to go sit down and watch T.V. Man, she can scream LOUD! Holy Cow! The pug didn’t understand what all the commotion was about (I did and boy it was FUNNY) and he was really sad when Mom took it outside and put it in the forest where we cant reach it. Oh well. Good news is that it is fall and chipmunks are a plenty right now so we’ll replace that one soon as you can say “Hey Pugz, got one here for ya”.